Nature conservation activities
The NABU-Crane Centre is coordinating conservation measures German wide, like:
- restoration of drained breeding sites and in special cases, their supervision by watchmen
- consultation with environmental administrations if interventions into the nature and landscape are planned
- extra feeding site to reduce conflicts between cranes and agriculture in the main staging areas
- installation and maintenance of information boards in staging areas
- visitor guiding in staging areas with special observation sites and visitor platforms
- organisation and realisation of annual national crane meetings
- Network including mailing list for large crane migration events in Germany, e.g. for windfarm operators
Research activities
The NABU-Crane Centre conduct own scientific work as well as collect and analyse scientific data on cranes.
- monitoring of breeding cranes in Germany (development of the breeding population, breeding distribution)
- monitoring numbers of staging cranes during spring and autumn migration in Germany
- colormarking and tagging of individual cranes in collaboration with crane conservationists throughout Europe to study crane biology and migratory behaviour
- investigations on the following topics: the influence of disturbances, food and habitat choice, breeding biology, migratory behaviour
- installation and maintenance of a scientific library with crane literature

Environmental education
The NABU-Crane Centre offers several environmental education activities, like:
- crane excursions in the region of the „Darß-Zingst bodden chain and island Rügen“ for young and older people
- visits of school classes from the region in the NABU-Crane Centre, like classes from “Crane” primary school Altenpleen
- activities for kids and teenager at the NABU-Crane Centre
- multimedia presentations about cranes with main focus on the region of the „Darß-Zingst bodden chain and island Rügen“
- visitor service at the NABU-Crane Centre Groß Mohrdorf and at our crane observation station KRANORAMA near lake Günz