
Where are our GPS cranes this winter?

It has become cold again in Germany. The first snow has already fallen and the foraging for the birds has become more difficult. We crane friends therefore ask ourselves, where are our cranes at the moment? A few carry a GPS transmitter and allow us to take a look at them from our warm office.

The map shows the locations of the GPS cranes in the first half of December.

Most of the cranes are currently in the Extremadura, the main wintering area on the Western European migration route. The other cranes are spread across the other known resting and wintering areas in Europe (Paco is in the Laguna de Gallocanta, Sunny at Lac du Der-Chantecoq and Papilon in Rhin-Havelluch in Germany). Only Orpheus is located in a lesser-known area in France, the lake Étang de la Mer Rouge in the Brenne Regional Nature Park. The photo shows him as a young bird about 3.5 years ago.

Protected areas are of great importance for migratory birds such as cranes and are therefore an important part of crane conservation.

© Dr. Günter Nowald

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