Where is the crane heading to?
Throughout this year’s colour marking of cranes the team of the NABU Crane Centre not only ringed 56 juvenile cranes (including six moulting adults), but also got the chance to tag two of them with a GPS transmitter.
You can see one of them on the picture. We haven’t known about this crane family by then. This year the chicks hatched in a small water body amidst fields in the area of the gathering place “Langenhägener Seewiesen” in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.
The map shows the movements of the young crane on the left side since it was tagged on 16th June 2021. At the moment it is still exploring the surroundings of its hedging place together with its family. We are very excited to follow up its travels the coming years.
Once more we used a transmitter from the e-obs company that has specialized in the development of extremely light but powerful and robust GPS-transmitters for birds. The transmitter weighs just 42 g and is strapped on the crane’s back with an elastic rubber between the wings. An analysis of the movement data provides important information regarding the use of space, migration routes and wintering areas as well as resting and breeding behaviour of individuals.
At this point we would like to say a big thank you to our official partner, the Lufthansa Group. Projects like these become only possible thanks to its support!
For more information about tagging click here.