  • Kraniche (en)
  • Spring migration of cranes in Europe draws to a close

Spring migration of cranes in Europe draws to a close

The peak of resting cranes in Southern Sweden passed over already. Yesterday only 13,100 birds were counted at Lake Hornborga.  A few days ago about 20,000 took a rest there. More about resting cranes in Europe you can learn here.

The figures of resting cranes from all over Europe we try to keep as up-to-date as possible. As soon as our partners report new numbers, we update the figures. As many counters work on a voluntary base, we get most reports with a few days in delay. At some days counts are missing due to bad weather conditions (e.g. fog). In many regions resting cranes are only counted once a week.

At the Baltic Sea coast of Germany, the resting of cranes this spring is nearly finished. Today in the morning only 56 cranes showed up near the KRANORAMA. We therefore close the KRANORAMA until Easter holidays. From 13th to 17th of April 2017 our station is again opened between 10:00 and 16:00 o’clock.

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