  • Kraniche (en)
  • National conference of Crane Conservation Germany “Kranichschutz Deutschland” from 03.11.23 to 05.11.23 at Gut Gnewikow

National conference of Crane Conservation Germany “Kranichschutz Deutschland” from 03.11.23 to 05.11.23 at Gut Gnewikow

Over 110 members of the Working Group Crane Conservation Germany met at Gut Gnewikow last weekend for their national crane conference. The theme of this year's meeting was "How adaptable is the crane?".

In keeping with tradition, the opening evening started with greetings and tallks from the region, who introduced the participants to the nature of the local environment. On Saturday morning, the focus was on changes in the settlement/dispersion behaviour of cranes. Questions such as "Who is loyal to a particular location, who is drawn to faraway places? What influence do weather conditions have on migration? Which route do the cranes take over mountain ranges? were at the focus of the presentations and discussions.

On the afternoon excursion there were finally cranes live! The "birds of happiness" could be admired both on feeding grounds and during the evening flight. The day ended with current and historical information from Crane Conservation Germany.

Sunday was more for early risers. Shortly after 6.00 a.m., the enthusiasts took off for the morning departure of the cranes to their feeding grounds. The series of lectures after breakfast focussed on ringing and tagging.

It was an extremely informative, inspiring and exciting event with the best insights and discussions in a friendly atmosphere. Many thanks to the many volunteer crane conservationists for their support and assistance.

© Dr. Günter Nowald

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