  • Kraniche (en)
  • More than 20.000 cranes are resting in the region

More than 20.000 cranes are resting in the region

© Dr. Günter Nowald
Due to crane migration the number of cranes in the region of the national park "Vorpommersche Boddenlandschaft" has increased: more than 20.000 cranes are currently resting here. You can watch them not just from the KRANORAMA near the NABU Crane Centre, but also from the dike in Zingst. There you will find the Crane Info Mobile, which openes every day from 3:00 pm to sunset. In the evening thousands of cranes fly to their roost site, the island Kirr and can be observed during their arrival. Further information about the Crane Info Mobile can be accessed here.

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