
Merry Christmas!


Dear crane friends,

finally our christmas tree is ready. Have a look at our short Christmas animation.

The crane region of Darß-Zingster Boddenkette and Rügen was covered with snow shortly before Christmas. So it is not surprising that most of the cranes have already made their way southwards. 

The "fascination of the crane" continues - even though fewer visitors came to see us in the exhibition at the NABU Crane Centre this year. As expected, the resting periods were the highlights. Whether it was the graceful courtship dances in spring or the large gatherings on the feeding areas and at the roosting waters in autumn: In any case, it was an impressive spectacle of nature. The KRANORAMA was once again a magnet for visitors.

Various events brought the crane enthusiasts together again. There were plenty opportunities for gathering authentic experiences. These included above all the 24th Week of the Crane, the meeting of the supporters of Crane Protection Germany and the national crane conference.

At international level, monitoring of the Grey Crowned Crane in Tanzania was realised for the first time in cooperation with various organisations. Secondly the Black-necked Crane project in Bhutan was officially concluded with an international symposium in November. Fortunately our team for the crane banding in summertime could again be enriched by international colleagues.

We would like to sincerely thank our members, partners, volunteers and all nature lovers for your support and wish you a merry Christmas and all the best for a peaceful and happy new Crane Year.

Your team of the NABU Crane Center

Animation: Majlill Allenstein (volunteer 2022/2023)

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© Crane Conservation Germany 2017-2019

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