
850 km non-stop to France

Such as many thousand other cranes, Paco used the great migratory conditions with tail wind and excellent visibility last Monday. According to B. Hülsmann and W. Brinkschröder, 42,600 cranes were recorded over the Osnabrück area just on Monday. Paco was among them.

Early in the morning, shortly before 8 a.m, he started from his resting place in Huvenhoopsmoor north of Bremen, where he had stayed with his family for almost two months. And then he flew – non-stop and without any detours – together with thousands of other cranes to central France.

14 hours flight and 850 km later he reached the river Allier south of Nevers at 9 p.m., where he stayed overnight. A remarkable achievement!

Paco is one of the young cranes that was marked with a GPS transmitter this summer by the NABU Crane Centre. The transmitter was financed by a private sponsor.

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