
First crane back in Sweden

"We got really excited," reports Tore Johansson from the bird club Skövde. The observation of the first crane on 19 February at around 2 pm is a long-awaited sign of spring. The single crane, which is assumed to be one of the first birds that made their way back from the wintering grounds, is probably one of the approximately 60 breeding birds in the region (source: Naturum Hornborgasjön). This means that the return of the first crane to the lake took place on exactly the same date as in 2022.
Sweden's Lake Hornborga is one of the most fascinating places in Europe to observe cranes in spring. Thousands of Scandinavian cranes gather here before dispersing to their breeding grounds. Until the spectacular gathering in Sweden takes place, we can celebrate the return of the cranes in Germany and look forward to the approaching spring! Our observation station KRANORAMA is expected to open in the week of 6 March and will be open daily from 10 am to 4 pm in March - just like the NABU Crane Centre in Groß Mohrdorf. More information will follow soon!

© Petra Menke

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