National natural heritage

National natural heritage

A total of 125,000 hectares of nationally representative nature conservation areas, formerly owned by the German Federal Republic, were assigned to various nature conservation organizations throughout Germany to secure their protection in a long-term. The new owners are committed to develop environmental friendly concepts for each area and to implement relevant management measurements. All measurements have to be agreed with the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation to ensure a positive development of these national natural heritage sites.

© Dr. Günter Nowald
Lake Günz

In 2013, altogether 92 ha of federal land around lake Günz were transfered from federal ownership into the responsibility of Crane Conservation Germany. All this land is part of the national natural heritage and should be managed within the meaning of nature conservation.

It’s the goal of Crane Conservation Germany to create a refugium for breeding and resting birds around lake Günz. For that purpose, further land was aquired and the KRANORAMA was built, which allows people to watch the bird fauna without disturbing the birds. Additional measures are taken to increase the biodiversity of the area. For instance new hedges were planted and modified contracts with landusers will reduce the negative impact of fertilizers and pestizids.

National natural heritage sites in Mecklenburg-West Pomerania

Crane Conservation Germany and other owner of natural heritage sites in Mecklenburg-West Pomerania are organized in a special natural heritage network. In the framework of that network information about all the different sites and their conservation goals were collected and published in 2015 by the Foundation for environmental protection and nature conservation Mecklenburg-West Pomerania and the Michael Succow Foundation for the Protection of Nature. The publication can be downloaded here.

More information about the germanwide network of national natural heritage site can be found at

© Crane Conservation Germany 2017-2019

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