Dear crane friends,
for our work in crane conservation and research we are constantly searching people for traineeships, student research projects (bachelor, master) as well as volunteer crane rangers during the main staging seasons in March and September/October. We especially look for people, that can contribute to our work for at least four weeks. The Crane Information Centre is also working with volunteers in environmental projects (FÖJ) and federal volunteers (BFD).
Depending from the seasons, possible activities including helping in mapping breeding and staging cranes as well as participation in crane roost counts. The collected data from the field are later on digitized. Every year between mid-June and early July we are also out in the field for ringing and colormarking of cranes. We also conduct research work on feeding behavior, predation risks and crane migration. If you are interested in, please contact us personally or by phone/email for further details.
Since 1996 numerous volunteers have helped us with the above mentioned tasks. If you are interested in to work as a volunteer in environmental projects (FÖJ), please contact us or the regional FÖJ office. Since 2014, also two very dedicated federal volunteers (BFD) supported our work at the NABU-Crane Centre. We want to continue that collaboration also in the future.
During the main staging seasons also volunteer crane rangers support our work. Main tasks of the rangers are to inform the many interested visitors about the majestic “Birds of luck” and to guide crane tourists at extra feeding and stopover sites. With the help of crane rangers we are able to significantly reduce disturbances for cranes.