Extra feeding sites

Since the 1990ies extra feeding sites are provided for cranes in the region of West Pomeranian coast.  The goal is to prevent the feeding of cranes at newly sown fields and to keep cranes concentrated at undisturbed, artificial feeding sites. In the consequence, damage at agricultural fields by cranes and other resting birds can be reduced. Extra feeding sites are a cost-effective alternative to payments, which were given in former times to farmers to compensate for crop damage by cranes. Also cranes do profit from extra feeding sites, as they find undisturbed feeding sites in region, while they are scared away from newly sown fields.

© Dr. Günter Nowald

Extra feeding sites are realized in spring and autumn with contractual nature conservation measures. Farmers in the region are contracted to provide extra cereals or maize for cranes and other resting birds at these extra feeding sites. One of these sites is situated near lake Günz. Prior the main staging season sometimes also staff of the Crane Information Centre can be seen with buckets full of maize, which is spread manually at this site. Later on the maize is dispersed with help of machines. This extra feeding site is financed by Crane Conservation Germany with financial support from the State Agency for Agriculture and Environment (StaLU) Vorpommern.

© Doreen Lehmann
© Crane Conservation Germany 2017-2019

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