Become a godparent
Become a godparent of a crane

With your adoption of a godparenthood you will support specific conservation and research projects of Crane Conservation Germany.

For your support you have the following options:

  • live-project godparenthood: tagging a crane with a gps-gsm transmitter (450 €)
  • ring godparenthood: colormarking of a crane (175 €)
  • nest site godparenthood: purchase and use of a camera trap at a nestsite (450 €)

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© Dr. Günter Nowald
GPS transmitter

With the help of the “live-project godparenthood” we are able since 2013 to follow individual cranes every 10 to 30 minutes. With gps tags we can recognize possible threats in more detail and get detailed information about the daily routines of the birds of luck. You can experience how your sponsored crane grow up, how he acts in his breeding territory and you can follow the whole journey from breeding to wintering areas and back.

Due to the high acquisition and operating costs of the transmitter, you can sponsor a share of one godparenthood. One share costs 450 €. As a sponsor of one share you can follow the complete movements of your crane at a special website nearly "live". Additionally you will get a godparenthood certificate with your preferred name of the crane, a donation receipt and a pin of Crane Conservation Germany.

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Zug der ersten drei GPS-Kraniche von Kranichschutz Deutschland
Ring godparenthood

Since the late 1980ies cranes are colormarked in Germany within the framework of a European-wide project. This is a very successful method to follow individual cranes throughout their lifespan. You are welcome to become a godfather or godmother of a colormarked crane, with which you support our research work.

As a godfather or godmother you are allowed to give a name to the colormarked crane and you can follow your bird at a special website. Additionally you will get a godparenthood certificate, a donation receipt and a pin of Crane Conservation Germany.

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© Dr. Günter Nowald
Godparenthood for crane breeding site (with modern camera trap)

You always wanted to watch a crane pair during the breeding period and see a crane chick growing up? That is now possible with a godparenthood for a breeding site with exclusive picture of the week from the site.

For a positive development of a crane population, successful reproduction is a key factor. For a good reproduction, crane pairs need a secure and undisturbed breeding site. Every year, Crane Conservation Germany monitors these sites and reports occupied sites to public authorities. As a result, disturbances like forestry activities can be avoided. During this monitoring, we often detect lost clutches. By sponsoring a camera trap, you help us to find out, who is responsible for the egg predation, without disturbing the crane pair during the sensitive period of breeding and chick raising.

© Kranichschutz Deutschland

With your donation we purchase a camera trap of the latest generation and attach them at a crane’s nest. The modern camera traps are able to regularly send pictures from the nest. For your donation of 450 €, you can see the breeding activities in the wilderness almost live from home. For three years, you will get the best picture of each week via mail during the breeding phases (April – June). With this exclusive godparenthood, you can watch your protégé hatching, growing up and mastering the challenges of a young crane on the way to become a beautiful, full grown bird of luck.

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© Kranichschutz Deutschland
© Crane Conservation Germany 2017-2019

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